Don’t be fooled, though while the story is told in a linear manner, each location is its own sandbox in which players can sift through. Because of this, Agent 47 won’t be dropped into random locations around the world he’ll stick to the United States of America and follow a linear storyline with minor branching options that can change dialogue in set areas. With Agent 47 going rogue, he has his own agenda to attend to, and at the moment it’s all about rescuing and protecting a mysterious young girl. Unlike past games, though, this isn’t just the agency pumping out mission after mission. The camera plays a slight role in this as the closer over the shoulder perspective works well with the more personal tale, along with takedowns and slow motion kills adding to the overall cinematic nature. You’ll still be strangling guys with fiber wire, locking in chokes and pulling out 47’s trademark Silverballers when things get hairy, but it’s all presented in a more fashionable manner. Mechanically speaking, this is very much a Hitman game with a number tweaks to the overall mission structure. Can the ultimate assassin bounce back into the game, or has he fallen from grace? IO Interactive may have had a tough time this generation experimenting with new intellectual properties, but surely they know what they’re doing with their biggest franchise.

Third person shooters and even “stealth” games now offer a stronger emphasis on speed and multiplayer combat. It has been a long time since we’ve seen Agent 47 in action, but while he was sitting back and sipping on margaritas in the tropics, the world of gaming has changed significantly.